Councillor Maurizio Barbieri (2018-2019)
Maurizio Barbieri
Maurizio Barbieri has been a Fellow of the Association of Applied Geochemists since 2013. He has over 15 years of postgraduate experience in geochemistry. Since 2006, he has been Associate Professor of Hydrogeochemistry and Environmental Geochemistry, since 2001 geochemistry laboratory manager, and a member of the Board of Directors at Sapienza University of Rome between 2009-2016. He is an Environmental Advisor (Hydrogeochemistry) for the International Project (2016-2019) SECOSUD II - Conservation and equitable use of biological diversity in the SADC region. The project is financed by the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation and implemented through Eduardo Mondlane University, South African National Park and Sapienza University of Rome.
Maurizio was a scientific coordinator for the Water Unit of the International Project that provides institutional support to the management of Protected Areas in Albania, funded by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN, 2012-2014) and for the Geochemical model of the Vico Lake (Lazio, Italy), funded by the Regional Agency for Environmental Protection of Lazio, Italy (2014-2016).
Currently he is focusing on the application of the geochemistry methodologies for the characterization of environmental problems, distribution of elements and isotopes in the Earth systems with emphasis on water-rock interaction, water quality, hydrogeochemical anomalies of natural origin, hydrogeochemical surveys, Ion chromatography, ICP-MS, water, soil and geological mapping, univariate and multivariate analysis of geochemical datasets, and isotope analyses of Sr, H, O and B.
He has been on the editorial board of: Chemie der Erde, Environmental Geochemistry and Health, Arabian Journal of Geosciences, Euro-Mediterranean Journal for Environmental Integration, Water, Geosciences, and Journal of Chemistry. He was a guest editor for a Water Special Issue "Isotopes in Hydrology and Hydrogeology".