Upcoming Events
International, national, and regional meetings of interest to colleagues working in exploration, environmental and other areas of applied geochemistry.
15–18 January Association of Mining and Mineral Exploration BC (AMEBC) Cordilleran Round Up Convention. Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. Website: gestioneventos.us.es/congreso-sem-sea-2025
20-23 January Association of Mining and Mineral Exploration BC (AMEBC) Cordilleran Round Up Convention. Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. Website: roundup.amebc.ca/
2–5 March 2025. Prospectors and Developers Convention, Toronto, Canada. Website: pdac.ca/convention
2–7 March 2025. European Winter Conference on Plasma Spectrochemistry. Berlin, Germany. Website: ewcps2025.de
20–21 March 2025. GEMS 2025 - International Conference on Geology Engineering and Marine Sciences. Wuhan, China. Website: gems.isgcpi.com
1–4 April 2025. GSA, 2025, Cordilleran Section Meeting. Sacramento, California, USA. Website: www.geosociety.org/GSA/Events/Section_Meetings/GSA/Sections/cd/2025mtg/home.aspx
27 April – 2 May 2025. European Geosciences Union, EGU 2025 - General Assembly. Vienna, Austria. Website: egu25.eu
5–7 May 2025. 14th International Congress of Prospectors and Explorers proEXPLO2025. Lima, Peru. Website: proexplo.com.pe
11–14 May 2025. Geological Association of Canada, GAC-MAC-IAH-CNC, Annual Meeting. Ottawa, Canada. Website Website: event.fourwaves.com/ottawa2025/pages
3–5 June 2025. 25th North American Workshop on Laser Ablation. Knoxville, Tennessee, USA. Website: www.nawlaworkshop.com/
6–11 July 2025. Goldschmidt 2025 Conference. Prague, Czech Republic. Website: conf.goldschmidt.info/goldschmidt/2025/meetingapp.cgi
16–21 July 2025. Third IAGC International Conference (IAGC-3). Cagliari, Italy. Website: www.unica-wri-18.it/
3–7 August 2025. 18th SGA Biennial Meeting. Golden, Colorado, USA. Website: sga2025.org
8–11 September 2025. Australasian Exploration Geoscience Conference 2025. Perth, Australia. Website: 2025.aegc.com.au
8–12 September 2025. Eurosoil 2025. Seville Spain. Website: soilscience.eu/eurosoil-2025
26–29 September 2025. Society of Economic Geologists, SEG 2025. Brisbane, Australia. Website: www.segweb.org/SEG-2025/SEG-Conference/SEG-2025/Home.aspx
19–25 October 2025. Geological Society of America Annual Meeting. San Antonio, Texas, USA. Website: community.geosociety.org/gsa2025/home
Please let us know of your events by sending details to
Ray Lett
Email: raylett@shaw.ca
Elizabeth Ambrose
Email: eambrose0048@rogers.com