Explore: Information for Contributors
EXPLORE Newsletter Contribution Instructions
Quarterly newsletters are published in March, June, September, and December.
Deadlines for submission of articles or advertisements:
March newsletter: January 15
June newsletter: April 15
September newsletter: July 15
December newsletter: October 15
Manuscripts should be between 2000 and 3000 words and should be submitted, double-spaced, in a digital format using Microsoft WORD® (DOC, RTF).
Do NOT embed figures, photos or tables in the text document.
Each photograph (colour or black and white) should be submitted as a separate high-resolution (300 dpi at the scale of reproduction) PNG, TIFF, JPEG or PDF file.
Each figure should be submitted as a separate vector file in EPS, PDF, or original software format.
Each table should be submitted as a separate digital file in Microsoft EXCEL® format (XLS).
All scientific/technical articles will be reviewed. All contributions may be edited for clarity or brevity.
Formats for headings, abbreviations, scientific notations, references and figures must follow the format outlined in the Guide to Authors for Geochemistry: Exploration, Environment, Analysis (GEEA), which is posted on the GEEA website at:
In addition to the technical article, authors are asked to submit a separate 250 word abstract that summarizes the content of their article. This abstract will be published on the homepage of the journal ELEMENTS at https://www.elementsmagazine.org.
Submissions should be sent to the Editor of EXPLORE:
Beth McClenaghan
Geological Survey of Canada
601 Booth Street
Ottawa, ON,
Email: bethmcclenaghan@sympatico.ca