2023: Renguang Zuo
Renguang Zuo, AAG 2023 Gold Medal

Professor Renguang Zuo has been awarded the Association of Applied Geochemists’ (AAG) Gold Medal for 2023 for his exceptional contributions to the scientific field of applied geochemistry, and exemplary service in promoting the exchange of ideas and the dissemination of information in this field through a distinguished career in university teaching, research and publishing.
Areas in which Professor Zuo has made significant scientific contributions include the application of big data analytics and deep learning algorithms to applied geochemistry, developing several geoinformatics models for recognizing geochemical anomalies, quantification of uncertainties in processing geochemical survey data, and the development of computer software for the processing of geochemical survey data.
- Publication of over 160 papers in peer-reviewed, international publications, with over 7,000 citations
- Serving on the AAG council 3 times, as well as a councillor for the Association for Mathematical Geosciences
- Being appointed a Fellow of the AAG, Society of Economic Geology and the Geological Society of London
- Appointed Professor of the State Key Laboratory of Geological Processes and Mineral Resources, China University of Geosciences, Wuhan, China and Founding Director of Research Center for Solid Earth Big Data, China University of Geosciences, where he has supervised more than 40 Ph.D. and M.Sc. students
- Serving as Associate Editor of the Journal of Geochemical Exploration, Natural Resources Research, Computers & Geosciences, Journal of Earth Science, and Ore Geology Reviews
- Awarded the Kharaka Award by the International Association for GeoChemistry (IAGC) in 2015
- Organized 8 special volumes for several different international journals
By any measure, Professor Zuo publication and scientific record have been both prodigious and highly regarded.
Dennis Arne
Chair, AAG Awards and Medal Committee