Student Chapters of the AAG

To enhance the academic programs offered by universities and colleges, the Association promotes active graduate and undergraduate Student Chapters. Use this as a guide to the operation of your AAG Student Chapter. Questions and situations not covered in this guide should be referred to the Chair of the AAG Student Affairs Committee for resolution.

I. Objectives of the Association of Applied Geochemists

  1. To form a united and representative group specializing in the field of applied geochemistry and to foster their common scientific interests.
  2. To advance the science of geochemistry as it applies to exploration and the environment.
  3. To disseminate theoretical and applied scientific information arising from geochemical investigations through publications of the Association, meetings, conferences, symposia, field trips, short courses, workshops, and lectures.
  4. To advance the status of the geochemical profession, and promote and maintain high standards of training and ethics among its members.


II. Affiliation with AAG

Students desiring to form a Student Chapter of the Association of Applied Geochemists must submit a request for such an affiliation (Article 8.01, “Adjunct Organizations”) to the Chair of the AAG Student Affairs Committee for review and endorsement. Upon endorsement, the request is forwarded to the AAG Executive for review. It is then brought before the AAG Council for approval. Student Membership in the AAG is not a requirement for membership in the Student Chapter, but is encouraged.


III. Membership Requirements

AAG Student Chapter Members: Any student in good standing and studying in a field of pure or applied science, and satisfying the Student Chapter Executive, Local Sponsor and Faculty Sponsor that he/she is a fit and proper person is eligible for membership in the AAG Student Chapter at that institution.

AAG Student Membership:An applicant for Student Membership in the AAG must be taking an approved course of instruction or training in a field of pure or applied science at a recognized institution, must be sponsored by a professor in the department to which the student belongs, or an Association Fellow, and satisfy Council that he/she is a fit and proper person to become a Student Member.

AAG Membership:An applicant for Membership in the AAG shall be actively engaged in applied geochemistry at the time of his/her application and for at least two years prior thereto, and satisfy Council that he/she is a fit and proper person to become a Member. An AAG Member enrolled as a graduate student is automatically eligible for Student Chapter membership.


IV. Benefits of AAG Student Chapter Membership and AAG Membership

A Student Chapter Member has the opportunity to participate in Student Chapter activities, including field trips, seminars and other activities organized by the Student Chapter. Commonly these events are attended by professional geochemists from industry, government, and other academic institutions. Prior to any event, an application for financial assistance shall be directed to the Chair of the AAG Student Affairs Committee.

Through its activities, the Student Chapter provides direct access to the geochemistry community at large for its members who as individuals might not otherwise have such opportunities.

Student Chapter members may develop leadership and management skills through participation in Chapter activities.

The journal, GEOCHEMISTRY, Exploration Environment Analysis (GEEA), published four times a year, is provided to all AAG Fellows, Members, and Student Members as a benefit of membership in the AAG.

The AAG newsletter, EXPLORE, is published quarterly for all AAG members and Student Chapter Members. EXPLORE presents features of current interest, news of Association affairs around the world, and announcements of upcoming events.

All AAG members may purchase AAG publications at discounted prices. Members pay reduced registration fees at AAG meetings, including those held in conjunction with other organizations. Registration fees for Student Members are generally lower than those for members, and significantly lower than those for non-members.

Student Members enjoy all the benefits of AAG membership, but do not vote on matters affecting the AAG, and may not hold elective office or sponsor candidates for membership. Student Members may serve on AAG committees on the same basis as AAG Members and Fellows.


V. Student Chapter Operations

Operations of the Student Chapter are under the direction of the Chapter Executive Committee, which consists of the four elected officers – President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer – and the Student Chapter Faculty Sponsors. The Chapter President may appoint committees necessary to implement Chapter activities.

Meetings should be held at least monthly during the academic year. Business may be transacted at these meetings provided a quorum (simple majority) is present. The vitality of a Student Chapter is generally proportional to the quality of its programs. Student Chapter programs may be drawn from many sources, including local faculty, graduate students, industry, government, and other academic institutions. Student Chapters have commonly participated in joint programs of mutual interest with other science organizations, and have sponsored special seminars, symposia and field conferences.

Since the AAG is incorporated in Canada as a non-profit organization, and registered as such in other countries of the world, AAG Student Chapters are prohibited from engaging in any activities where “profits”, or surplus proceeds, are distributed to officers, shareholders, partners, individuals, or others, rather than to the organization for future use for scientific or educational purposes.

The Student Chapter may set annual dues for membership in the Student Chapter, providing that the amount of any such dues shall be approved by a majority of the Student Chapter members and the Faculty Sponsor. The use of these dues shall be stated in the Request for Affiliation submitted to the Chair of the AAG Student Affairs Committee.


VI. Student Chapter Faculty Sponsor

Continuity of the Student Chapter depends on having an active Faculty Sponsor, who must be an AAG Fellow, and who provides advice and guidance to the Student Chapter. The Faculty Sponsor assures that the Student Chapter functions within the parameters of the AAG By-Laws, and provides a repository for the Chapter’s records and funds at times when the host institution is not in session.


VII. Local AAG Sponsor for a Student Chapter

The Student Chapter will propose an AAG Fellow not affiliated with the Student Chapter’s institution to act as a Local Sponsor. This Sponsor will work with the Faculty Sponsor to assure that the operations of the Student Chapter conform to established AAG policies and standards. If the nearest AAG Fellow not affiliated with the institution is too distant to provide support to the Chapter, the AAG Executive can waive this requirement.